SUPPORT TO JAMAICA DEFENCE FORCE OPERATIONS The primary role of the JDF Air Wing is to support the infantry in military operations by providing air mobility, surveillance and troop transport to virtually any location in the region. CASEVAC The immediate transfer of a critically ill patient to a medical facility where he/she can be better treated. Approximately 120 missions per year ASSISTANCE TO JCF OPERATIONS Anti-narcotic operations, nightsun and FLIR patrols over the city, transport of policemen to operational areas. MEDEVAC The pre-arranged transfer of a patient from one facility to another medical facility. Approximately 10 missions per year. SEARCH AND RESCUE The JDF AW also coordinates land search and rescue as well as assisting the JDF CG with sea search and rescue. Approximately 20 such missions per year. ASSISTANCE TO CIVIL ORGANIZATIONS Various government and non-government request the assistance of the JDF AW (through HQ JDF), these include:
CEREMONIAL Fly pasts for Battle of Britain, Remembrance Day observances, air displays and demonstrations.